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Decoding Roadman Slang: A Journey Through London's Vibrant Lingo
3rd Jun, 2024

Decoding Roadman Slang: A Journey Through London's Vibrant Lingo

Languages are ever-evolving, based on societal and urban influences. What makes any and every language different from each other is the linguistic approach and gestures. Technically speaking, any language consists of phonology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics but its essence lies in the gestures, accents, and slang that make it distinct from other languages. We'll be discussing some important roadman slang words, their meaning and usage, along with a few Roadman slang phrases. 

The very first slang dates back to the 1800s in London, and since then, it has gained popularity. Every region has a different dialect and slang. Roadman slang british has its own style and use. 

Interestingly, Roadman slang originated in the 21st century and is a popular colloquial language among the younger generation in London. This blog is your own roadman slang translator, giving you a deep idea of Roadman Slang and how it works.

A Brief History of Roadman Slang

Particularly in the 1990s and early 2000s, Roadman slang became popular. The word Roadman comes from a word which means teenage boy. Influenced by the urban areas of London, this dialect is hard to learn. So let us start with the dictionary of the slang from A to Z of Roadman slang London. 


Allow it: Stop Doing or Leave Something or Someone Alone

This slang is used to call out when you can not enjoy anything: a joke or conversation. You might refer to a person in a negative or positive sense.


Bait: Being too Obvious or Annoying

Bruv: Like a Brother

Buki: Something Weird 

The slang “bookey” or “buki” is used when something is very dicey.

Bird: Women

The slang bird is used to refer to a woman or women in the roadman slang-ish language


Chirps: Trying to Flirt with Someone(me)

Are you trying to chirp me? Is the most famous phrase that can help you understand. 

Clapped: Unattractive

This Roadman slang is used to describe someone who does not have any visual appeal or is unattractive.


Dench: Attractive

The slang is used to refer to a person who is admirable and attractive.


Ends: Belonging to a Particular Region

My ends are from the (xyz) region.


Fam: Synonym for “bruv”

This slang is used to refer to someone close to you or so.

Fresh: Something new in a positive way.


Garms: Garments

The word “Garms” is derived from the word “Garments”.

Gassed: Hyped Up

Gassed is someone who is overly excited or hyped about something

Geezer: Older Man

The term Geezer is used to describe an older man


Hype: Positive Connotation


Innit: Contraction of “Isn’t it?”

The term Innit is taken from, isn’t it? You are enjoying it, innit?


Jokes: Humorous 

This slang is pretty humorous or sarcastic to refer to something funny.


Long: To Describe any Challenging Job.

Lip: Act of Kissing Someone.


Mandem: Group of Buddies


Nang: Indicates Something Good

Neek: Nerd or Geek

Is used to refer to someone who is a nerd or a geek.


Owned: Domination

This slang is used to denote domination.


Par: Act of Insulting

Too par off is to insult or humiliate someone

Peng: A Good Looking Woman (typically)

Peng is actually referring to someone or something positively. It may be anyone but generally, this slang is to denote a good-looking woman.

Peak: Adjective to describe a positive or negative situation.

That’s the peak means that the height (positively or negatively)

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Reh Teh Teh: Etcetera 

Roll with: To spend time with


Safe: To Greet Someone Goodbye


Ting: Short Form of Thing.


Vexed: Word to Describe the Feeling of Anger


Wasteman: To Denote Someone Foolish

This is to denote someone who is a foolish person.

Whip: Car

Whip is usually a car or to be specific a “new car” which you are proud of.

Key Takeaway:

The gist of any place is the language and slang that come from a specific place. Nothing can give you the joy of learning a new language. Well, there is no compulsion though!

This urban-London-ish slang can help you if you are planning a trip to London or staying there for any extended purposes like studying and settling. And if you are planning to study abroad, especially in places like London for higher education then Uscholars can help you out with the consulting work. Additionally, you don’t need to actually worry about the accommodation there as well, Best Student Halls can help you find the best housing solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What are some Roadman phrases?

A few popular expressions by Roadmen include Mandem (which means a friend), Peng (attractive person), Bare (a lot of things), Bruv (brother), Ting (a roadman slang for girl), Roadman (street-wise) among many others.

  1. What are Roadmen in UK Slang?

Roadmen are people who are street-smart and young. They have an inclination towards the urban street culture, which is a certain way of dressing and speaking. The phrases these youngsters usually use are referred to as Roadman slang.

  1. How do you talk in Roadman Slang?

Roadman is a colloquial language with unique words, phrases and vocabulary. To fluently speak the Roadman language you must know a few words. Some of these include: Allow It, Safe, Buki, Bruv, Peng and a prolonged list.

  1. Can you learn Roadman slang online?

There is no official course for the Roadman slang; however, you can read articles or watch YouTube videos for the same.

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